​Business Intelligence

What we call Business Intelligence at this page is known in fact under many names like Data Warehouse, Data Mart, Data Lake, Big Data, Analytics and others, depending on the size and main focus of the project. Large enterprise typically owns more than one solution and went through many phases, exploring every time new possibilities offered by the new technologies to obtain benefits form the always increasing amount of data available.
Hi-Spins BI Technology
One of the Andaio’s founding companies has developed, as a response to its clients demand, an OLAP engine with very specific properties. These clients were already using BI tools, but were unhappy with cumbersome building of the cubes and aggregations, necessary for sustainable performance and with their dependency from IT personnel.
​A missing piece in BI solutions
A cross enterprise team has been established with these users and after a thorough analysis the team’s conclusion was the following: The high management is reasonably happy with their dashboards, the voices of uneasiness come from the typical knowledge workers in the marketing department, HR or Financial departments, or Operations. Their job is very different: they typically use a narrower data set, but they perform constantly changing ad hoc queries. Human mind is not wired to manage with great agility multidimensional selection, classification and summarization, so it takes typically multiple steps to arrive to the desired result. (You can compare this to the process with which artillery, after multiple successive attempts, bring the shells closer and closer to their target.)
If the steps to arrive finally to the desired inquiry are lengthy and even requiring help from the IT department, the job of these knowledge workers becomes frustrating. The team concluded that to help these users with their job it was necessary to design specialized tool, with a focus different from the BI mainstream. This tool would focus on the most frequently used data, concentrate it in a proprietary multidimensional database and process it with high performance in memory technology to obtain immediate answers to the user’s queries.
The user defines the queries by himself without any kind of help from IT and the user interface is defined specifically to facilitate the trial-and-error process leading to the desired result.
Providing complete BI Solutions
We recognize clearly that our technology is highly specialized and covers just one part of corporate BI requirement, but at the same time it serves to the specific purpose for which it was designed better than any other solution. The success and user satisfaction we obtained with this solution lead us gradually to learn the use and implementation of other vendors tools in order to be able to satisfy users requirements beyond the scope of our own tool.
Currently we are able to satisfy a variety of enterprise BI requirements, including dashboards, using a combination of products from different vendors with our tool Hi-Spins. Our differentiation from other vendors is our deep understanding of how BI works internally, being ourselves BI developers and our great experience in data integration, described on the Integration page of this website.